Beginning a New Year With a Studio Refresh

I love a fresh new year. This one has lost some of its shine due to a nasty virus I've been fighting since New Year's Eve. I'm getting back to my old self and that means I've found the energy for a few small projects. A book purge. Rearranging shelves. Refreshing the studio.

Everything doesn't need redecorating. Sometimes things just need refreshing. There is something about moving furniture and getting rid of unwanted items that wakes up the energy in a space. Especially important in a creative space!

Check out this post to see the terrible shape this room was in when the kids moved out.

Evolution of a Mom Cave. 

The first finished product was covered in this post, Writing and Craft Studio Reveal

So as you can see from those posts the real work had already been done. But the dark craft table and chair have always felt dowdy to me. A fresh coat of Jolie Paint in Gesso White with a top coat of General Finishes Flat Out Flat topcoat really perked it up!

Did you pick a word or motto for the year? My word is elevate. I'm thinking mainly in terms of the garden this year, but I intend to apply it to everything. Can I elevate a conversation? My value as an employee? A space? My health? My speaking, writing, and photography skills? Relationships? I'm going to try! 

I love to make a vision board for every year. Here's the one I just finished for 2019. If you don't know what you want your life to look like how will you know when you get there? 

While I've been recovering refreshing or elevating the studio space has been a simple task. Here's more of how it turned out.

Files for keeping things organized.

A simple sewing corner.

On the supply shelves. Creative doesn't have to mean messy. Though sometimes when I'm in the middle of a project this room can get absolutely destroyed. It's easy to put back together though because everything has a home.

This room is by far the most colorful room in my house. I just fill it with things I love and don't worry about style. I never met a map I didn't like. Remember when I bought the huge Russian one? Read, The Story of a Russian Map. 

If you are feeling like your house or a room or even a corner in your house is feeling cramped and tired, do a little purge and rearrange some things. It does wonders for the room and for you!