Garden Overhaul: One Year Later

A year ago our last chicken died (You can read about our chicken adventure here) and as I pulled up the fencing that had surrounded the chicken run I was struck with a vision of what could be. The number one thing I envisioned was a straight line from the kitchen window (which also lines up with the front door) all the way through the garden to some sort of focal point. I promptly created a garden vision board. 

The vision board kept me motivated and on track. I hauled 3 and 1/2 tons of gravel from the driveway to the back yard. I moved and spread what felt like an equal amount of garden soil. I dug, arranged brick, laid out paths, spent hours planning, and suffered both dehydration and a nasty case of tendonitis. There was a lot of ibuprofen and I wore out two water bottles. 


Exactly one year later I've created the garden I envisioned. Now that the massive work is finished (blood, sweat, and tears anyone?) I'm having fun doing small projects and propagating plants. 

Let's look at some other before and afters: 

Not only did the garden proper get an overhaul but small things that needed to be done like removing the old satellite dishes from the tool shed  (Thanks, Honey!) were accomplished.

 Everything got rearranged and the potting shed got quite the makeover. You can read about part 1 of that project here

Now I should probably point out that these before pics of the garden are actually during my renovation so it looked extra disastrous, normally it was actually charming in all its cottagey wildness. But you know I love the worst possible before photos.

The problem with before and after photos in a garden is before and after what? Here's a spring photo from a couple of years ago.

Compared to photo in the lushness of summer.

Then during the garden overhaul.

And today.

Here's one of my favorite photos ever of my old cottage style garden.

Oh, the wildness of it! It was romantic to be sure. Some of this feeling remains. About a third of the garden has gravel paths and brick edged beds; the other 2/3 still feel rambly but reined in a bit into tidier beds.

Weeding is manageable. I can turn on the water without looking for snakes. I can even walk in the garden at night if I'm careful not to step on the multitude of toads that act as our natural mosquito control.

This project took either 27 years or a year. It all depends on the before you are looking for. A garden is always changing.

Oh and whatever that thing is you envision doing...just get started and don't quit. You can make it happen. 

XOXO Y'all!