Touristy in Seattle: Part 2

We ended up going back to the Biscuit Bitch again. Now I'll have to admit that on the first day, being from the South, I was a little skeptical about a Pacific Northwest biscuit. I mean isn't this the kind of place where they use barbecue as a verb? But, dang, Y'all. These biscuits were A-Ma-ZING! And the atmosphere is hilariously crude.

I did that thing I like to do sometimes which is to give a fake name when I know the person at the counter will be yelling it out. So when she yelled Delilah the first time I didn't catch it. Just when I was wondering what was taking so long I heard, "Delilah! Come get yo biscuit, Bitch!" 

Oh yes, pardon me, that's mine. 

Do these people know me? Did y'all tell them I was coming? They put GOLD DUST on my coffee! 

I had the Bitchwitch with bacon but you can get it with a variety of other things including SPAM.

Oh, are you fancy with your farm to table dining experience? Nope. Not here.

 We strolled the Market again. It's a feast for the all the senses. Did you miss Part 1? Read it here. 

We liked the Athenian so much from the day before that we ate there again as we passed the Market, upstairs this time by a window where we ordered the requisite Dungeness crab.

Later, we hopped on a ferry to go over to Bainbridge Island. But mostly just because we wanted to see Seattle from the water and add a boat to our trip. I love a trip that includes planes, trains, and boats.

The weather was superb for our entire trip...

Except for the time we spent on the island. Hey, we were getting the whole Seattle experience! We had a couple of drinks and caught the next ferry back. We meandered our way (this included a lot of "look at this cute shop! Let's go in" ) to our next planned item which was the Underground Tour.

 Bill Speidel's Underground Tour meets at Pioneer Square and is a good thing to do if your trip hits a rainy patch since it's mostly underground. There's some outside walking but very little. The tour starts with an introductory talk about the history of Seattle while you sit comfortably in a room before heading down some secret stairs that lead to a labyrinth of subterranean passageways.   

Wear sturdy shoes!

I'll admit that I spent the entire tour terrified I would see a rat.

I didn't. But I did see some very cool stuff.

The guides for this tour are entertaining.

Seattle has certainly had some colorful history. You might find yourself wondering how much you know about your own city's history.

I mentioned the sturdy shoes, right?

While you are crossing a street aboveground the guide points out this purple glass in the sidewalk.

Later on the tour, you see them from below. They were skylights for the underground passages before their usage was shut down and they were closed off. This was the highlight (see what I did there?) of the tour for me.

You can read about the history of the tour here. You have to love a tour where the themes are fire and sewage. It was a lot of fun (since I didn't see any rats scurrying about though there were plenty of rat references during the tour).

I'd definitely recommend this for anyone visiting Seattle!

Happy Travels, Y'all!