Updating a Kitchen Island in an Afternoon

In the last two weeks I have painted the bathroom, stairs, hallway, and kitchen. I've got the living room and dining room in my sights so I'll be sharing about those makeovers next month. My favorite project this week (and there were several) was my island make over. I built this island by myself a few years back, out of stock cabinets from Lowe's. I bolted them together, trimmed them out (don't judge me you real life carpenters), painted and added hardware. I used a black piece of granite (I didn't put that on myself because I'd never have been able to lift it) because I didn't want it to match the counter tops. Plus that way I could save a ton of money by picking up a remnant.

Here's the before. I kind of had a thing for yellow.

Those saddle style bar stools are from Ikea and were useful but it was definitely time for an upgrade.

 The first thing I did for this project was remove the corner trim on the other side where I wanted to put bead board. I pried it off carefully so I could reuse it.

 I painted the front and sides. While it was drying I measured and cut the bead board for the side that faces my front door. I nearly cut off my thumb in the process. Here's a tip: wear gloves. Just basically all the time. I'm impatient and sometimes think "I could be done with this by the time I find my gloves and put them on." I know you thought I learned that during the black widow spider crisis of 2012. Nope.

When the bleeding stopped I attached the bead board. So worth a little blood. This bead board was left over from the bathroom ceiling. I try to use up every single thing I have around here!

I reattached the trim at the corners and painted. I love the new black and white look so much!

 I had to wait a week for the new bar stools to arrive but it was worth it. I love them. There are pricier versions around but I found this pair on Amazon for $77.00 plus shipping. You can find them at Target for around the same price if you catch them on sale. And they come in cool colors like apple green and construction yellow. I was totally tempted by the yellow...

Earlier in the week I shared with you about the dingy stairs and their redemption. Here's the finished product.

Next time I'll share what happened in the rest of the kitchen.