The You: Sustainable Reading List

Making this list was the hardest thing I had to do in this entire series! I love books and had to pick and choose to keep this from being an overwhelming list. If you haven't  read personal development books these are the ones I would start with. I tried to categorize them but some of them cover all the areas and then as we know, the mind, body, and spirit are all connected. But I tried. I've included the links so you don't have to hunt them down to find out more about them.


The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
As a Man Thinketh
The Power of Positive Thinking
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
Reframe Your Life
Healing is a Choice
How to Win Friends and Influence People


The Blue Zones
In Defense of Food


Man's Search for Meaning
One Thousand Gifts
The Five Love Languages
What on Earth Am I Here For?


The $100 Start Up
The 4 Hour Workweek
The Motivation Manifesto


Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Life Without Limits
The Last Lecture
I Am Malala

Authors that always deliver:

Tony Robbins
Gary Vaynerchuck
John Maxwell
Norman Vincent Peale
Zig Ziglar
Seth Godin

Malcolm Gladwell 

I  had to choose from books I've actually read and my "to read" list is massive so I may find the best book ever as soon as I publish this list. I suspect that is exactly what will happen.

I have tried to make this the broadest possible list. I've intentionally left out books that were too super specific about diet and I left out books on exercise altogether. The bookshelves are full of them and for our lifelong purposes in this series we just want to keep moving, do some cardio, lift some weights, and stay flexible.

For diet, you can't beat Pollan's advice: Eat food. Mostly plants. Not too much.

I've also left off spiritual writers that have helped me tremendously. Again trying to keep the list to things that would inspire anyone no matter what faith or background.  The ones I have listed here are heavy on the practical and useful and easy on the theology. The concepts are universal.

In going through the material I've listed here you'll find other ideas that lead to more authors and new concepts, although if you just read the books listed here and followed the recommendations, you'd have a pretty fantastic life.

So use this list as a launching pad. A place to kickstart the change you are hoping to make. Then keep learning, growing, and becoming the amazing you, the sustainable you, you were meant to be.