Blogging Summer Schedule
A few months ago I committed to blogging 3 times a week to create a more consistent body of work. I'm going to be posting twice a week during the summer because...summer...and also because I have several other projects I'm working on.
Yes. You know that floor is one of them. I'm getting close now, y'all. I'm thinking next week I'm going to get it done. Actually moving furniture today. I'd planned on this week but the air in the cottage went out and hello, sweltering Memphis heat.
I thank God every day I wasn't born before air conditioning and epidurals.
When y'all see how small this floor is after all my whining I expect you to laugh hysterically and call me names. But, you know, in a good way.
Where was I? Oh yes. SOOOO The summer schedule will be:
New posts on Monday and Thursday.
Instagram will still show up on the daily along with Facebook updates because my life is mesmerizingly fascinating. I mean I'm pulling up nasty carpet and cleaning out the chicken coop. How can you not read about that?
While we're on the blogging topic, what do you most want to read about? Bees? Garden? Decorating? Making over furniture? My hair? (Because y'all. My hair is totally the bomb --do people still say that?--right now thanks to a great new cut my stylist gave me.)
So let me know what you want to read about!
Also, do you have questions? Ask 'em!
Michelle is a beekeeper and master gardener who writes and speaks about Christian life, slow living, and practical home keeping.