2018 Goal: Writing More
Starting today I'm going to be posting to this blog several times a week. It's been sorely neglected over the past few months while I started a new job, got through the holidays, got to know my grandson, and focused on Instagram.
But I miss writing.
Plus it's a bad sign when people ask what the "pen" in Pen and Hive is for.
If you have been around here for ages then you'll know that for 5 years I had a joint blog with a far away friend where we discussed super serious subjects in a number of categories. When I now think that I posted every Wednesday for 5 years I am astonished! But there is something powerful in being accountable. There was something that made me sit down and write even though often I felt I had nothing to say. Knowing someone is going to sit down to see what you have written is powerful motivation.
Good news! From now on that person is you! You're welcome.
Being without a partner has made it hard for me to stick to any kind of blogging schedule.
I also tend to wait until I have something that I feel is big or interesting to share. But I notice that what I like to read is often about people's every day lives. Who doesn't like to know that somebody else has tumbleweeds of dog hair wafting across the kitchen floor?
Don't you feel better already?
I like to look like I know what I'm doing. Does anyone else suffer from this problem? I spend tons of time researching the information I share to make sure I'm not leading anyone astray about the important stuff, but perhaps a few lighter catching up posts about what's going on wouldn't kill me.
Spoiler alert: I don't have all the answers. But I do have a lot of information and as my husband likes to say "a powerful need to instruct." Instruct? Share. Help. Inform. Those sound so much better.
So for 2018 I'm going to be posting regularly. As in a lot. My goal is 3 times a week. I toyed with the idea of daily but while I'd be willing to do it, would you be willing to read it?
You can watch for new posts on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.
You gotta love that I'm doing this when everyone is talking about how blogging is dying.
In the next post I'll share about how I got here.
Michelle is a beekeeper and master gardener who writes and speaks about Christian life, slow living, and practical home keeping.