A News Free Sunday

Many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase. Daniel 12:4 

Your assignment for this weekend is to turn it all off. Just for Sunday skip the news. Not just on TV but on radio and social media. I got you with the social media didn't I? If you have news notifications on your phone turn them off. I was already trying to do this when I saw musician and influencer, Zuby recommending it. He calls it Twitter Sabbath. Though now that it's X it might need a new name. 


Touch Grass Sunday?

As a lifelong news junkie I feel your pain if this is tough for you. Especially right now when it seems like there's a month of news every day. It's like news inflation.  A year's worth of 1980 news is now only worth a day. A lot of us feel the need to keep up. I certainly have major news FOMO.

 Trust me, if WW3 breaks out someone will text us. 

I take the extra step of really trying not to pick up my phone at all because once you have it in your hand it's too natural to open the app your fingers know to go to on their own. 

I'm not always successful in my effort to do this but it's a goal I'm working on and just like fasting is good for our bodies from time to time, letting our minds rest from the constant influx of info is too. 

I do one last news check before getting into bed on Saturday night and try not to check my phone or willingly take in news until around 6:00 PM Sunday evening. 

We are the first humans alive to be able to take in everything happening all over the world while it's happening. Things we have absolutely no control over. So let's take Sunday as a God prescribed day of rest and let the anxiety of information overload go. 

At the top of this post you'll see a verse from Daniel I saw myself in when I came across it recently. Isn't this us on our phones? It's certainly me sometimes. Flitting from Facebook to Instagram to X, often while sitting in front of a TV screen with even more information flowing out? And knowledge is definitely increasing! Read the entire chapter or better, the whole book of Daniel for context. 

It's just something to think about and sometimes I like a little challenge to keep myself in check. Let me know if you're going to try this. 

And hey, if you see me on Instagram Sundays before six PM feel free to ask me what I'm doing on my phone.