Go Outside for 5 Intentional Minutes

Today's assignment is to go outdoors for five minutes and look around. I'll be honest, 15 minutes is the goal but it's alright to start small. 

Why outside? Because there are proven physical and mental health benefits of being in nature.

Multiple studies show that walking, hiking, camping and the like are fantastic ways to fight depression but depending on where you live all of that might be complicated or require planning.  So what can we do?

Go outside and observe. Every season has its own beauty. Spring, summer, can fall are easy but even winter has it's own offerings. 

Here are some suggestions: 

A winter sunrise.

The lines of a bare tree.

A dark starry sky.

The single frost-covered branch of an evergreen.

The wondrous promise of an acorn.

The intricacy of a pine cone.

A bird on a branch.

The springy green of boxwood.

Give yourself a few minutes away from screens and step out of the house. Take a moment to observe some simple natural thing. Breathe in the fresh air. Let it fill your lungs and say a little prayer of gratitude that there is always beauty to be found by those who look for it.