Here's the story as I told it when it happened...
Normally, I'm pretty handy. The island in my kitchen? I built it. (Okay I ASSEMBLED it from prefabbed parts, but still...there were power tools involved so I'm totally claiming credit. There isn't too much I'm afraid to tackle so...bee hive?
Okay, I'll admit to being intimidated...
Do I LOOK like I need help? Please ignore the fact that I am covered in wood glue and have multiple splinters.
Unless you want to come and make dinner. Then, please....PLEASE! I beg you! Come and help me!
Here's what has been accomplished on the hive so far:
The hive body.
Building the outer cover, which will be the top and protect the hive from the weather...
...flip it over to add the galvanized metal top.
The floor boards (not pictured) were not exactly even once I got them glued together and didn't easily into the grooved side pieces. There was a lot of vocalization of frustration which led my husband to ask me once again if I needed...
I gave him a look that told him not to finish that sentence.
When it finally went together the way it was supposed to (with a little extra persuasion from my hammer) I yelled:
I also completed a third part which includes the bees' landing strip.